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ASME PTC 6-2004 (R2014) - Steam Turbines with Errata - ANSI Webstore


12 steam conditions. This effort resulted in the publication, in 1990, of documents IEC and IEC 953-2, the former for high-accuracy testing of large condensing steam turbines and the latter for a wide range of accuracy testing of various types and sizes of turbines. Several years after PTC was published, it became apparent to the Committee that the majority of steam turbines was not being tested because of the relatively high cost of a full-scale test using these procedures. The Committee investigated alternative testing techniques and developed an alternative procedure for acceptance testing, which meets the criteria of high accuracy but has a lower cost because it does not require all the measurements necessary for determining complete cycle information. These alternative procedures were issued as an Interim Code, PTC 6.1, in 1984 and included only the additional requirements and guidance to meet the objectives; it had to be used in conjunction with PTC The 1996 revision of PTC 6 was undertaken to merge the Interim Code of 1984 into PTC and incorporate new high-accuracy instrumentation that has been developed since the publication of the 1976 Code. This revised Code, designated Performance Test Code 6 on Steam Turbines, PTC was approved by the Board on performance Test Codes, further approved as an American National Standard by the ANSI Board of Standards, and published by ASME on July 31, CURRENT STATUS Simplified test procedures of good relative accuracy, intended for periodic checks of turbine performance, are described in Procedures for Routine Performance Tests of Steam Turbines, PTC 6S Report 1988 (Reaffirmed 1993), a separately published report by Performance Test Codes Committee No. 6. Such test procedures may be used throughout the service life of the turbine. They are not intended for acceptance tests and do not fulfill all the requirements of PTC Tests using alternative instrumentation and procedures are described in Guidance for Evaluation of Measurement Uncertainty in Performance Tests of Steam Turbines, PTC 6 Report 1985 (Reaffirmed 1991), a separately published report by Performance Test Codes Committee No. 6. Such test procedures do not fulfill the requirements of PTC They cannot be considered acceptance tests unless both parties to the test have mutually agreed, in writing, on all phases of the test that deviate from PTC Any deviation from Code procedure shall be distinctly described in the test report, along with the corresponding uncertainty as evaluated in accordance with PTC 6 Report PTC 6 is most directly targeted for application to steam turbines in regenerative feedwater heater cycles. PTC 6.2, Steam Turbines in Combined Cycles, a separately published code by Performance Test Codes Committee No. 6.2, addresses performance testing of steam turbines in combined cycle and cogeneration applications. Many multi-pressure level combined cycle steam turbine bottoming cycles and cogeneration cycles present different challenges to performance testing from those faced in testing steam turbines in regenerative feedwater heater cycles. The different configurations make the testing of these bottoming and cogeneration cycles in accordance with PTC 6 impractical. PTC 6.2 is the recommended Code for testing steam turbines in combined cycle and cogeneration applications. Due to the existence of numerous different steam turbine cycle configurations, including hybrids of combined cycles, regenerative feedwater heater cycles, and cogeneration cycles, it is not practical to define every cycle configuration for which PTC 6 is recommended and every cycle configuration for which PTC 6.2 is recommended. For cycle configurations not explicitly addressed by either Code, the Code Users are expected to apply the Code that most closely meets the test objectives. In these cases, the decision about which Code will be applied must be decided upon very early in test planning. Since this Code was published, there have been several Technical Inquiries requesting clarification of selected Code paragraphs. In response to these Inquiries, the Committee changed Code language as necessary to clarify the intent of the Code. These changes, in addition to the correction of undetected errors, formed the basis for this revision. This revision was approved by the Board on Performance Test Codes on April 22, 2004 and approved by the American National Standard Institute on December 6, ix

2004 Standard For Performance Rating Of Positive Displacement Refrigerant Compressors And Compressor Units ANSI/AHRI Standard 540 (formerly ARI Standard 540) IMPORTANT SAFETY RECOMMENDATIONS ARI does not

Asme Ptc 6 2004 Pdf Download

The following supporting information can be downloaded at: Figures of thermograms for decomposition in non-isothermal conditions, for relaxation and phase transitions, as well as curves of decomposition in isothermal conditions, and copies of 1H, 13C and 14N NMR spectra are available in supplementary information. 2ff7e9595c

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