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Hacking Facebook Notepad: How to Create a Fake Login Page and Steal Passwords

Congrats! You have finished hosting your first phishing site! Navigate to your site and try to enter some fake login details, after you click the login button, it should redirect you to Login to your FTP server that you hosted your post.php file, and there should be a new document called Log.txt that is stored within the same folder as your post.php file. Any login details should be stored there.

Hacking Facebook Notepad


I have a question. I purchased some hosting to host the fake facebook page. the problem is that after a few hours that it is online in practice it is reported as if by magic the page alone. and makes the page inaccessible to all browsers. since this page I don't need to sniff accounts to the general public but to a single person. I think the bots that come into contact with my domain are reporting the page. so I think blocking them can solve the problem? is there anyone who understands it who could tell me if this could help? in the end I believe that if the page is alone and without visits of any kind and only the victim can access it, nobody reports anything, doesn't it?

In service, it is rather facebook,twitter or instagram.username is for the username of the target.wordlist is for the path to the worlist.delay is optional, and it means the delay of seconds it will sleep during trying passwords.the default of delay is 1 seconds.

>python faitagram -s facebook -u -w wlist -d 10>Traceback (most recent call last):File "faitagram", line 2, in import argparse, mechanize, os, sys, socks, socketImportError: No module named mechanize>

i also dont have any executable named "facebook" , i also cannot hit the tab button in ubuntu to autocomplete the line, for instance to run python in terminal without typing it all the way out i can simply type

Another possible issue is that in the code, all the way at the bottom it says wget This code will no longer function correctly because that site no longer exists. So you will need to adjust the code to use another geckdriver of your own. In general this instagram hacking tool has a lot of errors, and it's understandable. Though there is a solution, the owner just needs to use another geckodriver since this one no longer exists.

This automated solution is far more user-friendly than the previous method hackers would use of opening a text document, compiling a password list, and using a program to try to access the target account. With the fully automated operation of the new generation of brute-force software, anyone can hack into any account, without specialized hacking knowledge.

Now we have the 3 required files facebook-login.html, code.php, password.txt on the desktop.The next task is to link(connect) the 3 files. such that we must link them in the order facebook-login.html >> code.php >> passwords.txt.

Pandora lets you quickly share the song that's currently playing, and it can be sent via text message, share on social media apps like Twitter and Facebook, or saved to your notepad to ensure you never forget about the track as you go on about your day. The process is straightforward and can be done on both Android and iPhones.

The relationship between the two is fraught, at least for me. I\u2019m not a messy, chaotic writer. I have a notepad on my desk that says \u201Cwrite drunk, edit sober\u201D and yet I couldn\u2019t think of anything worse than writing drunk. I don\u2019t write into the late hours, amid a stack of crumpled papers. I operate best in order. I like plans and schedules. And for the most part, pursuing productivity helps my creativity. But too much routine and planning don\u2019t work for me, either. Because sometimes my need, and even enjoyment of productivity, co-opt my ability to be creative. In trying to optimise for my most creative self, I hamstring my very ability to be creative.

For those who wanted more hands on experience, there was a CTF (Capture the Flag) contest where participants were able to practice hacking into a fictitious healthcare company and a lock-pick village. 2ff7e9595c

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