A study by Fortescue and colleagues24 examined and characterized 616 medication errors occurring in the pediatric inpatient units of two academic tertiary referral medical centers. In a hypothetical experiment, physician experts determined what percentage of these errors could potentially have been prevented by the implementation of safety systems. Specifically, this hypothetical experiment determined that basic CPOE would avert 60 percent of potentially harmful errors, while CPOE with clinical decision-support systems (CPOE +CDSS) would increase the prevention of harmful errors to 75.8 percent. Other HIT systems identified by the report as being important for averting medication errors in pediatrics settings included computerized/electronic medication administration record (e-MAR) (19.2 percent of potentially harmful errors), robots in pharmacy (2.5 percent), smart intravenous infusion devices (4.2 percent), medication and patient and staff bar-coding (4.2 percent), and an automated bedside medication dispensing device (5.8 percent).
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