"Haaaargh!", Imran choked on the alien liquid and the spider bits still clinging to his throat. Hot, sweltering flashes of pain immediately took over the initial sting of fiery bile, starting from his stomach and spreading through every vein in his body, and finally concentrating inside his head. It was impossible to breathe. He could feel the legs of a billion spiders emerge from inside him and touch his head, touch his mind, and implant another alien thing inside his brain. That was the last thought that entered Imran Žukauskas' mind.
Mission: Impossible Torrent
As addictive as WoG is, it rarely creates a dependence as deep as one of Blizzard's masterpieces tends to. Diablo II: Lord of Destruction is infamous for drawing the player into it for weeks at a time. Ignoring that sinister capability for possessing humans is Laszlo 'bimanc' Seta, who finished the game in just 1:15:02. It's a segmented run, and the character used to hack and slash through the evil hordes is Assassin. You can grab the Medium Quality and High Quality torrent for what is bound to be an extremely popular run.Monday, September 21, 2009 by Enhasa
WARNING: Ghosh's language when interviewed is just as strong and genitalia-focused as ever, so those of you who are easily offended have been warned.If that interview isn't enough Sattik for you, then you can enjoy his new Mega Man X run in 33:48, 21 seconds faster than the Swede of Speed's record. Included with the run is audio commentary that Ghosh recorded live as he was doing the run. You can hearabout a new Maverick, Ghosh's relationship with the f-word, and complete silence during the final boss fight, proof of how focused Ghosh was during this run. Get the Medium Quality torrent here.Seth Glass is a name many associate with Mega Man 2, and this next run is no exception. Glass's new run, unlike his previous run, does not employ any zip glitches, which means it's actually 26 seconds slower than his current glitched run, clocking in at 0:29:28. This will probably be popular, so here's another Medium Quality torrent.Zip glitches are now considered a separate category for Mega Man 2 because they change the boss route and save a significant amount of time.While a 26 second difference might not seem significant enough to warrant separate categories,it's possible to shave more time off the current glitched run. Rumor has it that even sub-28 minutes is possible!Wednesday, August 26, 2009 by dex
We have a new Frigate Escape run on Metroid Prime. The new run is done on the PAL version by Besmir 'Zoid' Sheqi and is almost two seconds faster than the older run. A palpable improvement, so to speak. The time remaining is 0:04:25.40 - remember that the timer counts down.That was the starter, now it's time for the main course. It might be a little stale - because it's from 2006 and hasn't been posted yet - but it's still a very edible meal. Cooked by the aforementioned chef Alastair 'DJGrenola' Campbell, it's a brand new addition to the Metroid Prime 2: Echoes menu. This low% time entering secret worlds is 1:55, done in 21 segments. In a true Grenola fashion, he supplied an extensive commentary, this time adding an audio commentary to his already impressively sized comments. Since this is bound to be a tremendously popular piece of Metroid cuisine, I've made a torrent of the Medium Quality, also for convenience when downloading.Also, I have to mention that Arkarian put in some effort into making a runners list on his website. If you want to check what runs some player did, that's definitely gonna be useful to you before we add this and some other features to the SDA site.Friday, August 14, 2009 by DJGrenola
The remembrance of the struggles and faith of those who, with much heroic and noble labor, laid the foundations of this Diocese, come freshly home to us at each annual meeting, to enkindle and develop our Diocesan interest. Loving the Church as the Divine instrumentality for the elevation of humanity, we must love that Diocesan unity of it wherein God has placed us, to unitedly labor for its extension. May He, the Master-sign of Whose Presence is the charity that believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things, and Who makes men to be of one mind in an house, guard and guide our deliberations, and intensify our union as Churchmen, as members of this Diocese and of a common Household of Faith. No other of our Diocesan Clergy have been granted their release; but of those of my own order, it has pleased God to summon hence the Rt. Rev. W. J. Kip, Bishop of California, the Rt. Rev. Phillips Brooks, Bishop of Massachusetts, and the Rt. Rev. W. H. Bissell, Bishop of Vermont. One of these was nearer to me than the others, because we were Presbyters for years in the same town, ministering in adjoining Parishes, and meeting in friendly intercourse, and our elevation to the Episcopate fell somewhat near together. Most attractive of all the preachers in our communion, Phillips Brooks drew men, not by great gifts of scholarship or theological learning, but by the nobility of his nature and broad sympathy for humanity. His torrent-laden sentences were filled with inspirations of hope, which made despondent and sin-weakened hearts revive. It was especially given to him to teach afresh that primary truth of revelation, that all mankind are by creation God's children, and that He is the common Father of us all. His prevailing theme was the ennobling tie that binds the creature to the Creator, and makes us, as St. Paul declares, God's offspring. He saw this paternal love of God for all mankind illuminating the life of Christ, and his own life became illuminated by it. At a time when New England, indeed a large part of the country, was passing through a transition period, and the dark age of Puritan bigotry was passing away; when a revolt had begun against the narrowness of Calvin's cruel logic, and the mist of the Unitarian uncertainty was found to be unsatisfactory, God raised up one to prepare for a return to the Church's deeper, better balanced wisdom and higher sanctity. He did this by teaching the elementary truths of God's immanence in nature, our filial relation as creatures, to Him, and His paternal, pathetic, invigorating love to every one of us. There is no tie, not of father and child, husband and wife, deeper, dearer, or truer than that of Creator and creature--save one. The closer tie and nearer relation is that which binds the Christian to the God-Man, Christ Jesus. Out of this union rises the spiritual organism of the Church. Of it and its theology Dr. Brooks had only an imperfect conception. He little understood the saying of St. Cyprian, "that the Episcopate is one," and only as any individual Bishop voiced the mind of the solidarity are his theological utterances of value. He rightly loved character more than doctrine, but his ideal of Christian character was not that of the Saints. His work was preparatory, a St. John Baptist work, and it was blessed. It has laid the foundation for an advance in theological education of our countrymen to the deeper truth, that what God is to the creation, that the God-Man, Christ Jesus, is to the new creation which is his Church, and which is, through a conquering struggle with sin and death, being evolved out of it. Grasp once the truth of the immanence of God in creation, and that He is everywhere present in it by His power, and it is easy to realize that Jesus Christ is the Midst of the new creation; that He is everywhere present in it, and manifests Himself in the sacraments of His grace.
It is a matter of no small encouragement to be able to state that our Cathedral is one of the increasing number of Cathedrals and Churches where the offering of the Sacrifice is daily made. It may seem impossible that such a custom should be followed in all Parish Churches, but the success attending the daily offering in five or six of our Parishes during Lent shows how much more can be done in this way than we suppose. Let us make more ventures of like faith. The Church's two most efficient weapons are the spirit of self-sacrifice and the spirit of prayer. It is to the perpetual pleading of the great Sacrifice in Heaven and the constant pleading of It here on the earthly Altar, that the conquest of the world is given. Brethren, let us go out to that conquest in our own respective spheres of labor, with renewed zeal and with hearts burning with the love of God. Let us year by year grow more in union with Him, that He may more effectively work through us. Let all things which tend to distrust, to narrowness, want of sympathy, be put away from us. We are children of a common Father; sinners redeemed by a common Saviour; brothers in arms struggling for a common faith; Churchmen whose bond is our Apostolically derived orders and our Book of Common Prayer.
Rita Redberg said that she is enthusiastic about the idea of PCORnet as away to facilitate practical clinical trials because there are somethings that will be impractical or impossible to study using thegold-standard randomized clinical trial. She was not as excited aboutclinical decision supports because, she said, they are often not as goodin execution as they are in theory, often because physicians are alreadyfatigued by all of the information in an EHR and more often than notignore the messages that decision support systems provide in the EHR.She also questioned whether embedding appropriate-use criteria into theEHR will address issues of overuse and underuse, and she encouragedsystems to start including harms as well as benefits in the datacollected. 2ff7e9595c